Email Marketing

On an average, an employee receives 121 emails each day. Despite this, email promotion is still the recommended way to get your brand noticed and to build your prospect list.

Our Inclusions

We can distribute your content to our network of qualified travel advisors across Canada and USA. The average open rate is upwards of 21%.

We also consult and make recommendations. A post campaign report is provided and the newsletter content is hosted on our website for up to 3 months.

Additional Benefits

Our team can also support with content creation, campaign design, HTML coding and translation into Spanish or French. Expand the reach and tap into an extended database of over 25K advisors. All for a supplement.

Unique Requirement?

We also support organizations send offers, promotions and engaging content to their database on an ongoing basis.

As this is a custom requirement, we’ll start with a discovery call to understand your goals & objectives.