Social Media Marketing

Your businesses should use social media channels to generate leads, increase brand awareness and capture the attention of your target audience. Engaging with them has been made easy with Saleint managing the social channels for you.

Our Inclusions

Our team will help you save time month over by first understanding your business goals and objectives, based on which we will recommend the social media platforms. We will focus on 3 key pillars that will form the basis of creating the monthly content calendar for the chosen social networks.

We will require access to your social media accounts to be able to schedule content consisting of 9 images and 1 video per channel every month.

Why Outsource ?

Consistency on social media platforms keeps followers engaged and your brand on top of mind. Our team supports your marketing efforts on social media channel month after month. The 10 custom posts will be designed to resonate with your target market reflecting your brand, your identity and your voice.


If capturing niche markets is on your mind then we can support you by publishing content in French/Spanish.

Number of monthly posts can be increased or our team can manage the channel entirely for your business.