Webinar Hosting and Support

Webinars should be used as a tool to provide destination updates and showcase your brand to your prospects and clients located in Canada & USA.

Our Inclusions

We will provide end-to-end service which includes a webinar platform, technical back-end support prior to and on the day of the event, design and distribution of invitation, management of attendee list, and promotion of the event across our social media platforms.

Why, Webinar?

Because webinars work! With the travel, tourism, and hospitality industry rebounding, webinars are a tool for learning about a product. Location agnostic, the right topic will receive the attention of a keener. In Q1 of 2023, our attendance rate was between 30%-50% of the registration. It is a cost- and time-effective alternative to sales calls.


We recommend editing the webinar to provide a glitch-free version to those watching the prerecorded session. This will not only enhance the experience but also position your business in good light.

Consider a consumer engagement session or a video thank you note as a follow-up message.

Talk to us about the options to showcase your brand in the best light; be it us hosting the webinar or supporting your brand behind the scenes.