Design Marketing

The Top Graphic Design Trends of 2023: A Mid-Year Review

In recent years, graphic design has become an increasingly important aspect of modern communication. With the rise of social media and other digital platforms, businesses and individuals alike are in constant need of visual representations that convey a message or emotion. As a result, the field of graphic design has seen many trends emerge, each one bringing something unique to the table. From minimalist designs to bold color choices, there is no shortage of innovation happening in the world of graphic design.

As we walk into the second half of the year 2023, what can we expect to see in the realm of graphic design? In this article, we will explore the latest trends and predictions for how this creative field continues to evolve.

  1. Bold Typography: Large, bold typography with unique fonts and creative layouts is expected to continue to be a popular trend in 2023. This expressive approach to typeface works well for making a strong impression and allowing text to stand out against busy backgrounds.
  2. 3-D Design: The integration of three-dimensional elements into graphic design adds depth and dimension to designs. These elements can range from photo-realistic renderings to hand-drawn illustrations with a sense of volume and contour. Expect this trend to gain traction as designers further explore the possibilities it offers.
  3. Minimalism: The minimalist design philosophy centers around clean lines, simple shapes, and limited color palettes. This enduring trend streamlines visual communications, helping viewers focus on critical messages without unnecessary distractions.
  4. Gradients: Gradients have resurfaced as a vibrant way to add subtle depth without interrupting design simplicity. Their popularity shows no sign of waning come 2023 – watch for gradients to be incorporated alongside bold typography or 3D design for a modern look.
  5. Sustainability: Green thinking influences not only materials but also the aesthetic choices of designers. Sustainable design practices are becoming increasingly important as businesses seek Eco-friendly solutions that strike a balance between style and environmental responsibility.
  6. Abstract Art: Abstract art in graphic design brings an experimental edge to creative work with geometric shapes, bold colors, and unconventional compositions. Some designers find inspiration in abstract fine art movements, incorporating aspects of these styles into their creations for a distinctive look.
  7. Hand-drawn illustrations: Hand-drawn illustrations add a personal touch to designs and are expected to remain popular in 2023.
  8. Retro-inspired designs: Nostalgia for past decades is expected to continue to influence graphic design trends in 2023, with designers incorporating retro-inspired elements like vintage typography or color schemes into their work.

As we move further into the future, artificial intelligence (AI) is becoming increasingly integrated into the world of design. AI will play a crucial role by automating certain tasks and helping designers to streamline their workflows, allowing them to focus on creativity and innovation.

Our Graphics Design team is here to help your business enhance its visual aesthetics. Schedule a no-obligation call today by clicking here.
Destination Food & Dining Korea (South) Marketing

MishMash – Restaurant With A Hanok Vibe!

Enter a world of taste in a place that fuses gourmet dishes with the delicious flavors of Korean Cuisine. MishMash offers its visitors a distinct experience, both in architecture and its characteristic menu. If you’re looking for a unique venue that offers a mix of culture, taste, and convenience, book your next big meeting at MishMash, a restaurant with a Hanok vibe.

Hanok is a traditional Korean house made up of a wooden framework that varies in shape depending on the region. The term was used to refer to houses built in the Korean architectural style in comparison with Western-style buildings.” The word is a combination of two Chinese characters, han (韓, meaning “the Korean people”) and ok (屋, meaning “house”). Hanoks can be divided into several types according to their layout, like U-shaped hanoks, as well as L-shaped, square, and straight-lined.

Much like in business, you should plan and book your spot on this popular venue because it’s frequented by all types of business people.

→ Read the entire article curated by European Chamber of Commerce in Korea by clicking here

Whether you choose lunch or dinner, you will always have an option to the Chef’s Choice. And who is the Chef? None other than Ecole Ferrandi alumni Minzi Kim Wind, whose worked at several Michelin restaurants in Denmark, France, and Spain. What makes her style unique is the delicate balance of maintaining a traditional Korean taste when introducing new flavors and dishes. Perfect for all occasions.

This means that guests can travel through the rich taste of traditional Korean cuisine that meets modern techniques and plates for a delicious journey without leaving the Hanok, all while enjoying views of the Palace which is located nearby.

MishMash offers groups reservations open for lunch and dinner from Tuesday to Saturday, which gives you a lot of room to plan the best meeting and pair it with the perfect restaurant.

In the news Marketing

Marketing Agency Designed For The Travel & Tourism Sector

Saleint’s Founder and Chief Brand Ambassador, Mahima Tripathi was interviewed by Ms. Divya Sharma of Morning Laziness for their rule breaker series.

Read the article

Saleint began its journey in 2013 as a sales & marketing agency promoting tourism based organizations to the travel advisors & meeting planners in the Canadian marketplace. As 2022 rolled around, the agency transformed itself to become a full-service marketing agency designed exclusively for the travel, tourism & hospitality industries. The suite of services include digital marketing, graphic designs, website development and so much more.

Check out some of our services

This article is a good insight and an introduction to Saleint. Hope you enjoy reading it! For questions or additional information, please reach out to us at

Croatia Destination Marketing

Croatia – A Destination Full Of Life!

Known as the Republic of Croatia, this country in the Balkans is full of life. You can explore it by land (which is what we did) or by sea i.e private yacht or river cruise. Regardless, you’ll never be too far away from a mesmerizing view. The recommended arrival airport for North Americans would be either Dubrovnik, Split or Zagreb.

Coastal Croatia offers a pleasant Mediterranean temperature with the highest number of beautiful sunshine days. Summers here are hot and dry while winter is cool and moist. Inland, temperatures tend to be continental and moderate with lower lows than the coast. Once above 1200 m (3900 ft), the temperatures in the mountain kick in with 55F (13 degree C) during the summer months.

Make sure you review the travel requirements ahead of your departure.

Based on the duration of your vacation, you could do Dubrovnik, Split, Hvar and Zagreb with a few stops on the way. When in Dubrovnik, do spend 2-3 nights and explore the old town, the fort as well as the gorgeous views of the harbor at sunrise and sunset.

Destination Marketing Peru

Carbon Neutral Machu Picchu

Declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1983 and one of the New Seven Wonders of the Modern World in 2007, the Historic Sanctuary of Machu Picchu can be defined as an archaeological wonder. However, in Peru, it is estimated that about 5% of total emissions are related to tourism. This fact reveals the importance of the commitment of the tourism industry to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

Last October, a strategic alliance constituted by the Municipal District of Machu Picchu, Inkaterra, Grupo AJE and the National Service of Protected Natural Areas (SERNANP), supported by allies at the Commission for the Promotion of Peru for Export and Tourism (PROMPERU), the Ministry of Environment, the Sociedad Hoteles del Perú association, and the Peruvian Association of Adventure and Ecotourism Companies (APTAE), announced their climate commitment to make Machu Picchu the first wonder of the world and the first international tourism destination to obtain carbon neutral certification.

On Sep 02, Machu Picchu received its Carbon Neutral certification

The Green Initiative organization made sure that the destination met the necessary requirements to achieve its carbon-neutral certification. This commitment seeks to reduce carbon emissions by 45% by 2030, and to achieve zero net emissions (carbon neutrality) by the year 2050, in accordance with the guidelines of the Paris Agreement.

Peru now has the first Wonder of the Modern World committed to carbon neutrality and certified as such, mitigating its carbon footprint and offering all its visitors a climate-responsible experience consistent with the major challenges of the tourism sector and the planet.

… article by Kindle Journeys, an on-site DMC (incoming operator) for Peru